Sunday, July 28, 2013

Of Bugsquasher Dreams, Homecomings, Heroic Moose-Hunting Archer Wives, 60th Birthdays, Insane Violinists, Family Reunion Crashing, and Bears Bears Bears

So I had a really funny dream the other day. I'm in church--it appears to be a combined Elders Quorum/Relief Society meeting in the cultural hall. Seated directly in front of me is a woman named "Aunt Toots," who is chowing down on what appears to be a two-pound block of cheese appropriately called a "Bugsquasher." The meeting over, Aunt Toots comes up to me and hands me a neatly typed page labeled "Bugsquasher Expense Report," on which Toots has thoughtfully listed out the details of the Bugsquasher purchase in question-answer form so that I might write her a reimbursement check. Such questions include "On a scale of 1 to 10, how good was this Bugsquasher?" and "Would you recommend the Bugsquasher brand to your friends?" Wondering if I should reimburse Toots for something I clearly saw her snarfing down five minutes ago, I ask the bishop about it. He tells me, "Go ahead, I've approved it." Then, in the distance, a volcano explodes and we all die horrible burny deaths. The end. Good job, Bishop. 

So the biggest news of the last few weeks was Alyssa's parents coming home from Japan. Go team go. A whole bunch of us, children and all, went to the airport to welcome them home. Ting-Ting has already taken a shine to them, especially Grandpa. Now she has two grandpas to mess with and manipulate! Yay! The day they came home we had a barbecue thinger, followed by what was probably about an hour of firecrackers but seemed like about three. Next year I'm going to recommend that we forego the customary small lamish firecrackers completely and instead each donate one blow-your-pants-off-from-sheer-awesomeness one and call it good. Who's with me?

Alyssa went to her first ever Young Women's Camp last week (first as a leader, that is) and apparently had a slew of wacky blogworthy experiences, such as excelling at archery and seeing a moose. (I know what you're thinking and the answer is no. She did not put her newfound skills to the test against said moose. Yeah, I was disappointed too.) My mom stayed with us for a few days so that she could watch Ting-Ting during the day while I was working. Those two characters sure had themselves some times all right, including...let's see...going to visit Julie, and...umm...going to visit Julie again. My dad came up that weekend and we had a 60th birthday party for him, the high point of which was a pretty gnarly slideshow video that Uncle Slim (Nick) made for him. We also went to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Pioneer Day thingy-bopper, which featured an opera guy and a "YouTube hip-hop violinist" who I think was probably on something, or insane. My guess is both. (Which I'm guessing is probably the most important qualification for those of the "YouTube hip-hop violinist" profession.) 

During the time that Alyssa and Ting-Ting were in California a few weeks ago, I went to Idaho Falls with my mom, Nick, Julia, and Julie so that we could attend a family reunion. This being a reunion of my grandpa's brother's family line, I recognized maybe two people there. But the food was good. And I've said many a time, in situations like these, that's all that really matters. Plus there was a tornado warning while we were there. The next day we went to Bear World, which was pretty awesome. There must have been fifty of them, lumbering around like they owned the place. Not to mention bison, an albino elk, and fetching wolves. It's kind of funny to see the bears and wolves just chilling together, knowing they're too cool for school because they're both top predators, like football quarterbacks from opposing high schools overcoming their differences to make fun of some nerds. I was riding with Julie, which was funny because she, being a photographer, just has to roll down the window to get a clear shot. Which the rangers tell you over and over not to do. Because, you know, bears. But for Julie, getting a good photo spits in the face of personal safety any day. So at least three different times, we had rangers yelling at us over their megaphones to roll up the windows. They were probably about ready to feed us to the bears. 

        Ting-Ting's first trip to the beach. Go Tingers go. Scamper it up.


1 Comment:

Heather said...

Hi there Ben and Alyssa! My name is Heather and I was hoping you could answer my quick question about your blog! My email address is