Saturday, September 29, 2012

Of Approval Letters, Moider in the Foist, and the Brigham City Temple Dedication

Tally-ho, my fine young whippersnappers. Big news as of late is that we finally got our approval letter from China. Sheeshers, what a debacle that was. It was supposed to take 8-10 weeks and wound up taking 14. If our adoption process could be likened to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, the last four months were like the long dark boring part with no end in sight where you just inch your way along in the boat, not knowing when you're going to get shot down the chute to behold the wonders and excitement of Pirate Town. At least in the adoption process, you don't have the obnoxious lady sitting behind you in the boat, loudly telling her child each and every little thing that is going to happen next on the ride. Grrr! Here it is six years later and I still haven't forgiven that skank. So yeah, anyway, my obvious mental disturbances aside, there are still a stinkload of documents that need to get sent around before we can go to China, so it will still be a few more months. We're thinking around Christmas. Woo! Christmas in China. But even more could be during tithing settlement. Snicker! I mean, what a shame that would be if I weren't there to perform my clerical duties. The whole ward would probably collapse. 

I just had a birthday. My 33rd. We didn't do much on the actual day, just went to Famous Dave's, but last night we had an Italian-themed murder mystery dinner party--"Pasta, Passion, and Pistols." Bei momenti, my amicis. Shawn and Becca came as a take-no-crap Italian businessman and his floozy (seriously--flooze-a-rama); Beefy was the murder victim's widow (also a floozy); Brayden was their son; Nick and Julia were a priest and a psychic; and me and Alyssa were a French wine guy and his fiancee (surprisingly not a floozy, although apparently she paid teenagers to beat people up, or something). Oh yeah, and I was the murderer. Whoops! I guess you don't need to play that game now. So it was fun, even though it was a ton of work to prepare for. Also, everything was a little hectic at the start as we were trying to get food on the table as the game was getting underway. It was so hectic, we actually forgot to put out the caprese salad. The caprese salad. Practically the whole reason for HAVING the party in the first place. Anyway, Alyssa and I are now thinking it might be fun to come up with our own murder mystery party. We were thinking a Book of Mormon-themed affair called "Who Smote the Chief Judge?" We figured that way it would be a lot cleaner than the one we did last night. Aye aye aye. Poor Brayden must need some aloe to soothe his burnt ears.  

Last week we attended the Brigham City Temple dedication. As I told Alyssa just now, I don't really have any connections to Brigham City short of driving through it on the way to  Logan and occasionally stopping at Maddox (and that fast food place with the scary dungeon bathrooms in the basement). Also watching that ridiculous movie directed by what's-his-schmoe. But it was still a really good uplifting experience, especially since this was the first dedication I'd been to. On a side note, I just finished a book recommended to me by my mother, The Devil in the White City, about the building of the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, and I found it interesting that at the dedication of said World's Fair, the attendants sang the "Hallelujah" chorus and then waved white handkerchiefs. Weird, huh? So did we steal it from them, or did they steal it from us? Or is this, like, some sort of ancient tradition dating back to King Solomon, or something? I wonder wonder wonder.

                Us at Ensign Peak. What, I didn't mention that we hiked Ensign Peak? Well, we did.

And apparently also went zip-lining at a church function.

And saw deer a-plenty. 

Nobody here seems to have any idea where this Leila picture came from. But you just can't say no to her adorable brand of gimshee.

Renowned psychic Clair Voyant and her date for the murder, the revered Father Al Fredo.

 With a hairdo like that, how could I not be the murderer?