Thursday, November 15, 2012

Of Typical Sitcom-Style Halloweens, Freemans Visits, Snow Days, and End of the Wire for Tingting

Hidily ho, bloggareenies. So Halloween has come and gone, and... well, shut my mouth! According to my handy-dandy computer clock, that was two weeks ago. How the time does fly when you have as much fun as the Greens. Anyway, the "high" point of Halloween was our ward Halloween party--ahem, I mean, "Fall Social," at which Alyssa and I were the only two adults out of some 80 to wear our costumes. I am serious. Get a load of what we were wearing:

That's right. A girl with a mustache and a dude willingly dressed up like Ralphie in Aunt Clara's bunny suit. (Actually we were Inspector Clouseau and the Pink Panther, but you would be surprised by how many people weren't able to figure that out.) If there were any wealthy dowagers in our ward, you can just bet they would be "Well I never!"-ing themselves black and blue over that one. Anyway, Alyssa won us a wine glass full of candy corns (which she hates) by getting the closest guess for the number of candy corns in the glass. Actually, she tied with some little kid, so the lady in charge gave each of them another chance to guess the exact number. Alyssa was closer, but for some reason the ladies let the kid have first choice of prize--candy corns or an apple pie. And of course he chose the pie, because you know how it's a given that nine times out of ten, a kid will pick a pastry item over candy. Whatever. Maybe on the planet Gwonzeebo, from which this kid apparently hails. However, the ladies ended up giving us a pity pie for being the only ones to dress up. Ah, sweet sweet pity pie, the most luscious of all pies.

We also hung out with the Freemans, who just moved to Orem, the week of Halloween. Good times, mon frere. We made pizza and watched all of Mike's favorite TV shows, just as in days of olde. We also played Pirate Fluxx, which is like regular Fluxx except that it involves pirates and, rather than taking five to ten minutes for someone to win, takes about an hour and a half (at least in our experience). But t'was a barrel o' sea monkeys and no mistake. Har har!     

Over the weekend, it snowed like a plethora of drunken frat boy banshees partying down with the lovely banshettes from the dorm across the hall. And by that I mean, it snowed a lot. But we had ourselves a good old time Saturday afternoon making snow angels and a snowman. Good practice for Tingting, don't you know. Speaking of whom, we're getting pretty down to the wire. The only thing we're still waiting for is our travel approval from China, which will probably be just two or three weeks, and then we can mosey our little patoots on over there! Unless the Chinese officials get a hold of that picture I posted above, in which case they will probably declare us either cross-dressers, or insane, or both.

Ah, Greens. Gotta love us.